STC15L204 : v2, and Thingspeak

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No big news regarding the STC15L204 code. I have just updated the schematic, I have simplified cabling the resistors, capacitors and the ds18b20 directly on the stc board and have made some ‘live’ tests with 2 sensors at home (one being outside, in the mailbox…).

Receiver is done via a Raspberry Pi, and data is sent to Thingspeak server.

To increase distance, nrf24l01 speed was lowered to 250kbps.

The updated stc15 code is here.

Code for the Raspi is just basically based on a nrf24l01 lib and libcurl – I am not publishing it here.

Part of the README file :

June, 2014 :

Added test-xxxx small examples to test Wakeup / Uart / Onewire etc...

Output is done with 9600bps, 1stop, no parity

mem          -> test mem + IAP functions
test-adc     -> test ADC on pin 1.7
test-onewire -> test Onewire example
test-uart    -> test Soft UART example
test-wakeup  -> test Wakeup via R/C on P3.3 (C charge with delay)
test-wakeup2 -> test Wakeup via R/C on P3.3 (C charge with timer)

I have modified my boards such as the LED is now on P3.4
(lifted R1 on on side, connected by wire to P3.4), so that
consumption is reduced (not on all the time).

Voltage divider is permanently connected to battery and Ground
(P0.0 no more used)

Modified nrf24.c for 250kbps -> nrf24_250k.c

Current version used : tx_main3 - 12 bytes payload , alternates temp/battery
 status, onewire ID only read once at power up,
 C charging controlled by timer.

RX done on a Raspberry PI and sent to thingspeak...

RX can be tested with rx_main_250k.



One comment

  1. Just a note — it s best if you hide your API keys when you post, or anyone can access your private channel. If you want to read a string from a provate channel from ThingSpeak, check out the ReadPrivateChannel example.

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